


  • How To Grow Beard Long and Full

    For most men, growing a beard can be one of life’s unexplained joys. For some, it is a symbol of free expression. Others just want to look more masculine and attractive to the opposite sex. There’s a belief among men that sporting a beard would boost standing over other beardless men. Ironically, some men think that sporting a beard has an association with historical or biblical emblem of power- like Abraham Lincoln, Karl Max, Sigmund Freud, Jesus Christ and even Santa Claus. Of course, early time has shown men wearing full beard no matter what their status in society is. ...


  • Beard Growth Oil--Growing a Fuller Beard Just Got Easier

    One thing that men most commonly complain about when tending to their facial hair and its many needs, is that it can never seem to grow fully. A beard may grow thick and even long but still remains a patchy mess strewn across the face. I've actually experienced this many times myself. These beards are not only unappealing and unattractive they're also more uncomfortable and more frustrating to look at in the mirror. They say that if you keep shaving your beard will grow back thicker every time, unfortunately it still doesn't grow more fully.....


  • Best Combs For Beard

    If you don't want your beard to resemble a bird's nest, you're going to have to pay special attention to it. This will involve grooming. Not only will you occasionally give your beard a good trim, but you will also want to come regularly to keep your facial hair straight and smooth. Do they actually make combs just for beards? Turns out they do and here are five of the best....


  • Best Fruits Beard Growth

    Have you ever wondered if there were any natural ways that you grow a fuller and thicker beard? Maybe there is an herbal pill, or some kind of physical therapy plan or electroshock exfoliation. Actually you can grow your beard the same way people naturally boost hair growth, it's all about diet and putting the right hair growing nutrients into your body. Turns out there are number of fruits that do this for those of us with a sweet tooth.,...
