
100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase for any reason, simply return all used and unused bottles of the product within 90-days from the date when your order is placed for a complete refund of the purchase price. You will be refunded for every penny you paid to us including the shipping fee you paid us. We do not charge for any restock fee either. You must return all used and unused bottles of products originally sent to you at your own expense to us with a note requesting a refund. Guarantee valid for one purchase per household and products directly purchased from maxxbeard.com. Failure to follow these policies may result in partial refund or no refund.).


The quick answer is Yes. We not only ship to US but also ship to worldwide.
We ship the order through USPS first class. You should expect to receive your order in 3 to 5 business days if you are in US or within 2 weeks if you are outside USA.